Many landowners who have leased land for a cell tower on their property are receiving letters from third party companies. These letters suggest to the landowner that due to wireless carrier consolidation and due to technology, that the cell tower lease may be closed early. By selling the lease to one of these companies, the landowner averts the risk of early termination and can recieve a lump sum immediately.
What is prominent to note is that these clubs would not be interested in buying the lease if they felt that there was a vital risk that the lease would, in fact, be terminated. The reality is that cell towers are going to be nearby for a long time and the leases will continue. That is not to say that your singular cell tower lease is not susceptible to termination, especially in light of carrier consolidation. Recently, wireless clubs like At&T and Cingular have merged. (Both At&T and Cingular are trademarks of their respective companies). Estimates of how many duplicative sites will be closed as a ensue of this merger range from 8,000 to 20,000 sites. While the exact number is unknown, some landowners will receive termination letters in the mail. It is possible to conclude either or not your singular site is susceptible to termination by reviewing the cell towers in your area.
Cell Tower Lease Agreement
The sale of the land leases for a lump sum is one way of averting this risk. Additionally, there are other reasons why an individual landowner might want to consider selling his cell tower lease rights. These reasons consist of a scenario where the landowner has plans to sell the fundamental property in the next few years. an additional one scenario is where the lump sum cost can be used to extinguish existing high interest debt.
One area that every landowner contemplating selling a cell tower lease should be involved with is the taxation of the transaction. It is imperative that you consult with your accountant concerning any offer and either or not the cost is susceptible to capital gains treatment.
Lastly, there are manufactures experts available who can assist you in the measurement of either or not the sale of your lease asset is a sensible decision. Make sure that before you make a potentially costly decision, you consult with your accountant and manufactures experts.
Contemplating Selling Your Cell Tower Lease For A Lump Sum?