A "third generation business' wireless communications technology that has evolved from first generation analog and second generation digital, communication technologies.
If someone asks me to explain what 3G systems, I tend to think of department stores. All the basic needs - plus a few more elements to make things thrown - under one roof. An appeal to modern man's psychological need for convenience. And so it is with the current crop of 3G packages.A simple, all-in-one access to all users of a mob ile phone ever wanted (and then some).
Metro Wireless Cell Phone
But seriously now, what is 3G (or 2.5G for that matter)? Basically, 3G systems are the final update for the 2G systems office, under the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) operating system. GSM is a second generation (2G) or f mob ile phone technology known as the old analog phone system for the first g mob ile. Since cu rrent2G phones send and receive data at only 9.6 kilobits per second (kbps), the advent of text and multimedia messaging (MMS) has meant that the request was to dramatically improve data transfer speeds very strong.
3G systems are designed to offer increased voice capacity and higher data transfer rates, providing a robust wireless pipeline mor e. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a regulatory body and the definition of the rules says that any system maintains its 3Gsuited to be a minimum speed of 144K bits / second, and theoretically going up to 2 Mbps Very well, you might say. But because it is so need for speed?
Well, 3G systems aim to provide faster access to all data types, which in turn Mr. Wirel ess the phone (or device) into a handier, cooler, tool. This speed corresponds with the promise that "people continue at all times and all places connected." The result is the ability of the Internet, how to accesshome, the usability of mobile instant messaging, enhanced multimedia options, such as a fax / pager / e-mail tool, as well as the condition of the fruit and clear voice communication more stable. Very impressive, but not without a lion's share of problems.
For starters, 3G services are intended to be "expensive", particularly important because of high prices for 3G spectrum licenses. Secondly, the services offered by 3G nice, but are the current needs of the average user. So now we have aSituation where the consumer is not satisfied with the current service levels, but also reluctant to pay that much for something that resembles overkill.
To fill the void has developed 2.5G. The 2.5G wireless technology is radically different from 2G technology because it uses packet switching. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is the European 2.5G standard, the upgrade from GSM. GPRS overlays a packet-switched architecture on the GSM circuit-switched architecture. This is auseful evolutionary step on the road to 3G because it gives telecommunications operators experience of management of packet networks, and charging for packet data. Data transfer rates in 2.5G services can theoretically reach 64Kbps.
It 'important to note the resulting irony. Because 3G services were too expensive and because the market is not "ready" they have developed to 2.5G. Well, as he says later, the development of 2.5G and an obstacle for 3G services, the rate of Penetc ell phone market.
However, 3G can not be judged solely on the basis of costs and benefits. The value of consumer technology can be truly measured in terms of their value for the average user. And when it comes to mobile communications, the needs of "average" existing customers from 2G and 2.5G are met. Most people do not use video conferencing or browse complete websites throu gh t h EIR ce ll phone. Most of us are satisfiedconstant supply, providing check our e-mail and maybe send a voice message or so. With all this in very affordable packages experts are beginning to wonder if there really is a massive demand for the hype that was when 3G for the first time in the picture game.
Market analysts with the challenge of accurately predicting how much technology consumers actually be willing to pay for 3G services in the face. With 3G providing features that "cool", but areexpensive, and with cheaper and adequate alternatives available in the form of 2.5G no longer offers the p ure c ell-phone holds the power of 'pull'. In fact, some critics argue that 2.5G speeds are fine, thank you, and provide enough flexibility for most applications.
The rapid development of the ORL wireless LAN 802.11 standard and the future 802.11g standard means that 3G systems now have serious competition. Although Wi-Fi support is still uneven(And suffer the same security issues), and some users prefer 2.5G and 3G systems instead of Wi-Fi because of the widespread c over wireless LANs have completely taken the office environment. Not only that, wireless LAN systems are getting faster and stronger. There are plans for 802.11 systems that approach the theoretical speed of 1.5 Mbps develop. Intel and others are also looking at development of met ropolitan Area Networks (MAN) to extend this300 feet Wi-Fi bubble to about 30 miles, or in the course of an entire city.
In the U.S., 3G services have been slow delivery points. It was not until late 2003 and early this year have commercial 3G packages, to the extent that the public was interested in developing them. Comparison with the presence of 3G services in Japan since 2001 and the popularity of 3G networks in Europe since 2000 (Finland launched the first network in late 2000). Compared to the rest of the developed world, back the United Statesbehind. And here's why:
A much more developed downstream communications infrastructure (2G and 2.5G) has meant that more alternatives were available to consumers.
"Wi-Fi" is all the rage with tech-savvy consumers, and how it was before 3G systems were fully operational and has captured a significant market shar available wireless business.
U.S. companies have several technical and legal issues for the acquisition of the appropriate spectrum3G for use by the FCC.
With an increasing number of increasingly sophisticated technology and bandwidth, the systems are increasingly vulnerable to hacker attacks (also known as crackers) attack countermeasures have been taken to protect these assets. Ensurin g secure wireless connections in a pre-requisite of any provider and mobile.
Despite the obstacles, 3G is here to stay. The main problem is with them in the market in a way that is usefulfor most people, and not just a select few. Ideally, we are in multi-level services that are looking for a combination of 2.5G, 3G and Wi-Fi capabilities to offer a national network. Finally, we would like to see on different networks on our e-mail, please leave a message for a friend who download music videos and bonus on our PDAs. As part of a culture that has to pay a flat fee for unlimited access, I would have expected such a network at different levels of service offerings, with customersYou will be charged according to their package of services, and not to pay more taxes for Wi-Fi and 3G access.
Just as PC users are beginning to wonder if there really need faster computers, could the entire communications sector over a period of transition (and not just a few years, but maybe one or two decades), did not say where new technologies would mean that older technologies become obsolete, but two separate consumer groups would emerge who would use the old and newTechnologies to coexist.
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